Hou Binying


Personal Information

1.Name: HOU Binying


Ph.D., Sichuan University, Cultural Criticism (2007)

M.A., Xinjiang University, Theory of Literature and Art (2004)

B.S., Xinjiang University, Chinese Language and Literature (2000)

3.Academic Rank: Associate Professor

4.Category: Tutor for M.A.

5.Affiliation(s): School of Foreign Languages.

6.Areas of Expertise & Research Interests: Teaching Chinese to Speaker of Other Languages, Cultural Criticism, Theory of Literature


Email: ghhby@swjtu.edu.cn


8.Language(s): English & Chinese

9. Publications:

Monographs & Compilations: Globalization & Chinese Culture, Southwest Jiaotong University Press, 2020.12

British and American Literature & Western Modernization, China    Renmin University Press, 2020.1


Academic Papers (published at home and abroad) and investigation reports (state and provincial level): David Harvery’s Theory of Post-modern Marxist and Its Contemporary.Value, Journal of Hebei Normal University for Natinalities,2020.11

Fredric Jameson’s Theory of Post-modern Marxist and Its Contemporary Value, Journal of Sino-American Humanity Studies, 2018.12

Research Projects (state and provincial level):

10.Employment: Associate Professor, School of Foreign Language, Southwest Jiaotong University,  (2010- present)

Lecturer, School of Foreign Language, Southwest Jiaotong University, (2007-2010)