Associate Prof. He Jun of the Department of German Published a Translation of "Japan Dignified Decline"

Recently, the translation of Japan Dignified Decline by A.P. He Jun from the Department of German was released by Hua Ling Press. As a German journalist who is well versed in Japanese history and culture and has long been engaged in in-depth reporting in Japan, the original author, Wieland Wagner, makes use of the dual perspective of a participant and an observer, relying on vivid and concrete first-hand materials, vividly depicts the rapid decline of Japan without losing its dignity and the rapid development of China and India, and analyzes the deep-seated reasons for the failure of Japan’s transformation from the aspects of history and culture, political economy and policy system. He also provides an insightful analysis of the deep-seated reasons for the failure of Japan’s transformation in terms of history, culture, politics and economy, and policy and system. How to avoid the trap of “Japanization” and grasp the opportunity in the future has certain significance for China, which is at the critical juncture of the “box out”.



In the process of the construction of “New Liberal Arts”, Translation Studies and Area Studies have become important directions and growth points for the construction and development of foreign language disciplines. A.P. He’s translation is another achievement of the team in the field of Translation Studies and Area Studies, and it is also one of the achievements of the Department of German in the process of constructing a national first-class major in the field of academic translation.