German Translation Studio: Two Books Published by Shanghai Joint Publishing Press

Recently,translated by “German Translation Studio”of European Research Center of Southwest Jiaotong University, American History and Ancient Economic History of “Baker knowledge series” have been published by Shanghai Joint Publishing Press. “Baker knowledge series” are popular academic works mostly published by the well-known German academic press, C.H Beck Verlag. These works are created by sophisticated scholars in related areas, with contents covering politics, military affairs, economy, culture, science and technology, and historical development of all countries in the world. The comprehensive and systematic book series take a deep sight into the events throughout the history, which helps readers explore and review the world history from multiple angles and levels. These books also offer readers more extensive and deeper knowledge, deepening readers' understanding about the world history and culture. The books to be translated have been selected, planned and organized by Beijing Phoenix-Power Culture Development co., Ltd. In the selection process of translators nationwide, several teachers from German department of the School of Foreign Languages of SWJTU stood out with accurate understanding of the original text and precise translation.

The American History was translated by associate professor He Jun and Ancient Economy History was translated by Dr Tang Ximin. Written by sophisticated professor Horst Dippel who is engaged in British and American studies in University of Kassel, American History presents the American history from colonial period to now. In this bookdifferences between the historical development of America and that of Europe are clearly displayed in chronological order, vividly reappearing the history evolvement of American becoming one of the world’s most powerful nation from that colonial period. Ancient Economic History was written by Michael Sommer, the ancient history professor of Oldenburg University, briefly describing the economic history which spans over 10,000 years——showing the “axial age”in the eyes of an economic historian from the period of human settlement, farming to late ancient time.


In 2018, the first batch of “Baker knowledge series” translated by “German Translation Studio” of our university were also published by Shanghai Joint Publishing Press. The two books are The First World War translated independently by professor Hua Shaoxiang and German history in 20th Century mainly translated by associate professor Zhang Yang respectively.

The publication of these translation works is also one of the scientific research achievements made by teachers of the School of Foreign Languages of SWJTU. These teachers actively explore and expand the extension of foreign language disciplines, and insist on combining international and regional research with  the development of disciplines. It can also contribute to the construction of the teaching staff and talents training of the European Research Center.

                                   European Research Center of SWJTU, Zhang Yang